The Alarm Spectrum
The surge of anxiety in today's society certainly begs for an explanation. To make sense of anxiety is to make sense of ourselves and vice versa. There is probably no human problem that has been more of a riddle, yet more significant.
In taking a relational-developmental approach to joining the dots, and armed with fresh insights from neuroscience, Dr. Neufeld reveals a complex human alarm system that can give rise not only to anxiety but also to a diverse array of seemingly unrelated syndromes and symptoms deceptively devoid of feelings of nervousness. This alarm spectrum covers a vast amount of troubling territory, affecting the majority of our children and youth as well as adults. The good news is that once we understand how these syndromes come to be, we are also more informed as to how they can be reversed.
This fresh perspective on an age-old problem serves as a refreshing alternative to the medical disorder approach as well as the rational-emotive and cognitive approaches. The implications are profound. In uncovering the root causes of these problems, Dr. Neufeld also paves the way for natural and intuitive interventions that can be put into practice in any venue and at any age. Although the manifest symptoms are indeed epidemic and diverse, the path through to making a difference is surprisingly singular, simple and achievable.
Options for taking The Alarm Spectrum: