Bullies: Their Making & Unmaking

Bullies: Their Making and Unmaking

Scheduled Course: December 7, 2021 from 1:00 to 4:30 pm Eastern Time.

Most prevailing approaches assume that bullying is either a learned behaviour or the result of a failure of empathy. Others propose that it can be stopped as long as the consequences are severe enough. In this course Dr. Neufeld proposes instead that the bully syndrome has deep instinctive roots in the dynamics of attachment and vulnerability. When a student is frequently mean or hurtful to other students, whether physically, verbally, non-verbally, relationally or emotionally, they are caught in an instinctive dynamic of self-protection. Once the origins of the dynamic and the resulting behaviours are understood, participants will be in a better position to intervene effectively so that the behaviour does not go “underground” and become even more difficult to manage. Dr. Neufeld proposes interventions that support the child who is the object of the bullying behaviour and ones that can significantly help the student who is caught in the bully dynamic to act in a different way.

Options for taking Bullies: Their Making & Unmaking:


NEUFELD INTENSIVE II: The Separation Complex


Making Sense of Attachment: Neufeld’s Comprehensive Model for All Ages and Applications