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Managing Behaviour without Rewards

Managing Behaviour Without Rewards

FREE WEBINAR with Eva de Gosztonyi

When students have difficulty managing their behaviours in the classroom our thoughts often turn to a reward system. In fact, a number of these systems are now available via the cell phone and Smart Board. What more could we ask for, other than for help in finding the best system to use and tips on how to make it work? However, developmental science and trauma research beg to differ. Not only do these systems lose their effectiveness over time, they are complicated to implement, and they rarely result in long-term change. Of even greater concern is that they often significantly affect the all-important child-adult attachment relationship, can increase anxiety even among the “well-behaved” and can cause discouragement and a sense of shame for the student who cannot do better despite best intentions. This presentation will provide an analysis of what works and does not work, and why. Then effective alternatives to help manage behaviour in the classroom will be proposed. These include how to increase the students’ desire to please their teacher, simple classroom modifications that can make behaving appropriately easier and suggestions for how to respond when behaviour is challenging.

Date/time: Tuesday October 25th, 2022 from 4:30pm to 6:00pm Pacific Time

 Eva de Gosztonyi, MA, is a psychologist who has worked for over 45 years in schools across Canada. For over 22 years she was the Coordinator of the Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Management, a support to the ten English School Boards of Quebec, helping adults in the school setting provide effective interventions for students with behavioural challenges. Eva is a developmental psychologist who believes that we must value the natural maturational processes of our children and youth, respecting their immaturity and vulnerability and understanding that safe and caring attachments with adults are essential for their optimal growth. Her understanding of child development is primarily informed by the attachment-based developmental paradigm of Dr. Gordon Neufeld. The interventions that she suggests are guided by neuroscience, are trauma-informed and trauma-responsive, and they are attachment-based and developmentally friendly.  Eva is on Faculty at the Neufeld Institute and is an authorized presenter of the Neufeld paradigm. 

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